Friday, July 27, 2018

Week 7: Final Week in NYC

This week Dr. Brissette was gone so I spent the beginning of the week trying to run stats for my project. I also met with the biostatistics team at Weill Cornell and found out that the stats we were trying to run are a lot more complicated than I thought they would be and the biostatistics team is willing to help us and run the stats for us, which will help us out a lot. I also managed to get about 9 people for the project that I am doing with Dr. Starr that involves adding a sodium fluorescein drop to the eye and measuring the topography of it after time. From this study we hope to see whether or not there is a difference between the topography of the eye after fluorescein drops are added.

I cannot believe my time in NYC is coming to an end. I have had a great experience here and met so many incredible people both inside and outside of the hospital. I feel like I have been constantly busy for the last seven weeks since there is always something to do in the city. I will miss the fast paceness of the city and how much there is to do here. I ended up liking living in the city a lot more than what I thought I would and I hope to come back soon.

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