Monday, July 2, 2018

Week 3

There was not much to report this week since the office did not see any new patients since Dr. Kennedy was on vacation for the week. Monday began with observation of surgeries, and presentation of each case by myself and the medical student intern. The cases we saw were not too far out of the norm that we've observed so far, however one case required sticking a rod through the patient's toe in order to treat her hammer toe. The sight of a metal rod protruding from a live took a second for me to adjust to since I've never seen anything like it. The next day I was given the day off, which allowed me to explore the city a bit and have a nice lunch at Ramen Shack. They make Ramen Burgers which are a very interesting take on Japanese ramen. However, I unfortunately got sick for the remaining portion of the week and went home to my parent's house in NJ. I did muster the strength to attend my little brother's high school graduation Friday morning however afterwards I went right to my room for the weekend as well. I did try to go into the office for a bit on Thursday and I begun to work on my immersion project. this involves collecting data on patients who have received microfracture fracture treatments and BioCartilage allografts and comparing the results in order to see which treatment presents more clinical benefit. However, I needed up sneezing and feeling ill most of the time I was in and ended up going home after lunch. In the end this week did not present much to myself, however I see a lot of potential with next weeks work on this project.

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